after the amazing brass band and the cajun food yesterday, i should say that we were all somewhat satisfied and were more than ready to take on "our day of work". but it was still intense. the day started with our team having worked out the number yesterday wanting to meet our entrepreneur to confirm each of our gut feel, that this was a woman who deserved galvez.. unless there was some other team with a more eligible entrepreneur..
to give a bit of background: our team of 16 had split into four groups and each of us worked with one entrepreneur and we had to decide on which entrepreneur we will allocate a space in the upper 9th ward to and which one we will grant up to a sum of 1oo grand to.
that said, we met our entrepreneur and realized that she was a solid business women and the ideal role model that the space required.. she was born and brought up in the lower ninth ward, had three kids and working two jobs and saving up for her business.. after that we continued typing away our thoughts and our models, for we had prepare for a meeting that night where all the teams had to pitch for what they wanted..
later that evening we had a happy hour, where i got to meet some interesting people over a glass of excellent wine and amazing food.. the chef was kind enough to bring me a bowl yummy (being vegetarian in nola is a challenge of a different kind).. and then we had an hour to ourselves to unwind, tie the loose ends with our team and head for what one be one of the longest meetings that i have had after 9 pm.
the meeting happened in my room.. which was good, because as the meeting proceeded through eleven, twelve and one am, i was losing my ability to concentrate on what was going on and was just waiting for everyone to leave so I could sleep! but that selfish thought aside, i think we all did our best to debate out every single point and gained a fair idea of what each of needed to do the next day to reach our crucial decisions which had to be decided by the end of the following day...
until friday...
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